Dance-related injuries can happen for a variety of reasons:

  • A sudden increase in dance and training activity?
  • Is your young dancer growing?
  • Are we devoting enough time to recovery in between performances?

Our physical therapy treatment approach for artistic athletes is scientifically informed by our clinical training and culturally informed by our own personal lived experiences as former and current professionals.

Addressing your pain and physical injury is only the beginning. We we’ll work with and around your injury and healing to build up your trust and confidence in your body and mind.

  • Year-round training program? College performance considerations? Let’s craft a healing and learning process that makes sense for your performance and training goals for now and for the future.

Where do we start?

01. Tell us your story.

Who are you and how have we come to meet? Your healing journey beings with a collaborative conversation.

Is this something new? Has this been going on for some time? What have you been told and how can we find clarity?

02. Dive into the “why”

Beyond “what”, let’s find out “why”. Start strong in your rehab and fill in the missing gaps in your healing with a DANCE|PREHAB Evaluation.

Your first session is where we can build on the initial conversation to dive deep into your concerns with respect to your human and performance needs.

03. Plan for Success

After establishing your baseline, let’s see how we need to create your healing plan with your training and performance goals in mind. What makes sense?

Everyone’s process is going to be a little different – what is yours?


23011 Moulton Pkwy e5
Laguna Hills, CA 92653



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